This year, we're offering an exciting new incentive: Register before January 6th, 2025, and receive $50 off your registration fee.
New this year:
Volunteer Deposit: We will be implementing a $100 volunteer deposit per family, which will be paid at the time of registration. This deposit will be returned to you if your family meets its volunteer commitments during the season.
Southside Cyclones: We're thrilled to announce our partnership with Beaumont and Leduc to form a new South "A" team for U13, U15 and U17 Men’s teams, called the Southside Cyclones. All players wishing to try out will be required to indicate their intent by Jan 15th, 2025, and pay a $100 try-out fee. Players and parents should review and complete "A" Team Player and Parent contract and return completed or bring to try-outs.
Coach Applications:
"A" Teams: Coaches interested in applying for one of the new "A" teams must submit their application using this link or link provided on the Warriors website before Feb 1st, 2025.
Other Divisions: Coaches interested in coaching in other divisions and age categories are also invited to submit applications using the link provided on the Warriors website.